Do you need a motorized winch? If you do, I hope this Superwinch UT300 review will help you to make an informed decision when you are shopping for a new winch.
Superwinch UT3000 From
At the time I’m writing this review, the UT3000 electric winch from Superwinch is at the top of bestseller list under the “Automotive” category. That alone tells you a lot about the product. People are buying the winch from Amazon and loving it.
Superwinch UT3000 Technical Specification
If you like technical specification, here’s some information for you. The UT3000 is a compact and portable winch made for any kind of utility usage. It has about 40 feet of durable wire rope powered by a 1.2 horsepower 12V motor.
When it is hooked up, the UT3000 has a pulling power of approximately 3,000 lbs. For its compact size, that’s a lot of pulling power! To control the winch, there is a rubber handheld remote with 12 feet cord. You can use it to stand at a safe distance as the winch is operational.
What can you do with the Superwinch UT3000?
You can use it for pretty much anything that needs to be winched up. The entire unit weighs slightly over 25 lbs and you can easily hooked it up to your truck, car, boat and even your ATV. As long as your vehicle can supply the 12 volt needed to power the winch, it is good to go.
The UT3000 can come in very handy when you need some pulling power to get your vehicle out of a small hole, snow, water or even mud. With the winch attached to your vehicle, getting stuck may not be a problem anymore.
Superwinch UT3000 Conclusion
After reading this Superwinch UT3000 review, I hope it gives you some idea how this device can benefit you. When you purchase the UT3000, it comes with a one year limited warranty.
For some winching power on your vehicle, click on the button on the right to purchase the Superwinch UT3000 from right now!