DIY EV conversion

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Preparing The Electric Donor Car – Gavin Shoebridge Style

One way of saving money on a Do It Yourself (DIY) electric car conversion is to get an old [tag-tec]gasoline driven car[/tag-tec] as the project donor vehicle. No doubt an old and busted car is cheap, but it comes with a few extra. Usually you will get a "rust" paint job and extra holes on [...]

By | 2012-08-17T14:13:38+08:00 June 6th, 2009|New Zealand|Comments Off on Preparing The Electric Donor Car – Gavin Shoebridge Style

How DIY Electric Car Works

In this blog post, I am going back to basic. Meaning, I want to write about how a DIY electric car works. A simple explanation of how all the components work together to become an electric vehicle (EV). You call call it an "elevator pitch" or a summary. Just like in any DIY electric vehicle, [...]

By | 2012-11-06T17:14:34+08:00 June 3rd, 2009|Build Electric Car|Comments Off on How DIY Electric Car Works

Do It Yourself Electric Car Motor Conversion Made Easy

Do It Yourself (DIY) electric car motor conversion is one of the best solution for most vehicle owners due to the rising of global crude oil prices that will increase the prices of fuel locally. For a normal household that has multiple cars, the cost of refueling the vehicles can be quite substantial. Unfortunately, sending [...]

By | 2012-08-18T07:51:30+08:00 May 31st, 2009|Do It Yourself DIY|Comments Off on Do It Yourself Electric Car Motor Conversion Made Easy