EV Conversion

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5 Components Of DIY Electric Car You Should Not Be Cheap On

If you are in search for the method to convert your gasoline car to electric car or would like to know about it, you need to understand the basic parts included in the task. Although it is easy to understand the operation of an electric car and the parts are easy to obtain, there can [...]

By | 2012-08-15T13:15:07+08:00 September 26th, 2011|EV Conversion|Comments Off on 5 Components Of DIY Electric Car You Should Not Be Cheap On

Do You Need A Welding Machine For Your Electric Car Conversion?

In most electric car conversion projects, there is always scope for wielding work as most of the bracing, electric motor supports and other vehicle components are made up of metals and may undergo breakage or require welding after certain period of time. Welding has become a specialized skill and welders who are experienced and best [...]

By | 2017-04-06T16:36:39+08:00 September 15th, 2011|EV Conversion|Comments Off on Do You Need A Welding Machine For Your Electric Car Conversion?

Building Your Own Electric Car Is A Real Possibility

For many generation people have driven cars fueled by gasoline and that does not look like it is going to change in the near future. Yet as the demand for oil and it byproducts increase, it also seems clear that we are soon coming to a time when it will be difficult and expensive to [...]

By | 2012-08-15T13:18:20+08:00 September 9th, 2011|EV Conversion|Comments Off on Building Your Own Electric Car Is A Real Possibility